The right to education is declared and affirmed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as one of the fundamental human rights for everyone. Access to quality education is vital in developing a fully-rounded human being.
However, there are kids, such as the children in Cameroon, who are not able to gain access to a quality basic education because of poverty and social inequality.
As a non-profit organization, America Friends of Searchlight Mamfe Afosma aims to help these kids to have access to quality education. Our programs include elementary school, career training for teenage moms, and orphans’ scholarship.
For instance, our career training in Mamfe incorporates basic computer software skills training, dressmaking, and farming. Through this, the students will be equipped with adequate knowledge and skills that will be helpful for their future.
Our humanitarian programs in Billerica, Massachusetts, are supported by volunteers from around the world who share the same vision as ours. If you also wish to support our cause, you may donate any amount to our non-profit organization. Together, we can give hope to the future of these underprivileged young ones.
To know more about how you can help, you may contact us by calling 781-325-2445.
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